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Nectar Production

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Nectar Production

About us

Tedious monitoring is the biggest problem faced by most beekeepers and farms, leading to common stereotypes of traditional beekeeping to be only able for small scale and hardly upscale. Thus, Nectar is providing a solution, ‘Aristeaus’, an Internet of Things (IoT) technology implemented in the apicultural industry to optimize the process of stingless beekeeping, application and analysis services.

Aristaeus can keep track of the real-time condition of the microclimate inside the stingless bee hive and the beehive location. The data collected is then stored in the database and conditions such as infection, health condition and honey production can be predicted by algorithms. This approach also reduces operation cost, increases workflow efficiency and allows production of consistent quality of stingless bee honey

We are looking for

  • Investors
  • Collaborators/Partners

Two main resources mainly we are looking for are capital investment and strategic alliance partners. 

With investors such as Angel Investor or big IoT corporates as part of us, It will definitely accelerate the current product development and the operation. Besides,  the involvement of the investor would not only provide capital throughout the development period but also create a win-win situation during the deep collaboration.

Having a strong collaborator enables the company to drive the project at a much faster pace and be able to reach out to our existing market better. This enables us to gain revenue from the customers. Thus, we also strive to expand our networking and form a strategic alliance toward a variety of partners in apicultural industry to create a strong foundation, well prepared toward the upcoming commercialization.


